Save your time. Save your licence. Save your life.

Welcome to RoadWatch.


RoadWatch is a website to help motorists voice their opinion on all things road-related. The focus is often on speed cameras, but varies across all topics.

To start searching for cameras in your area, click here!

This site allows you to find all the different types of traffic camera in your area. Coverage is Australia-wide and we have also started collecting speed camera locations in New Zealand.

Several types of traffic camera have been mapped, and include:

The intention of this site is to highlight locations that are considered more dangerous to motorists than others. We included Safe-T-Cams, toll cameras and general traffic cameras to help people understand how widespread surveillance is.

It is not intended for those motorists who like to speed. If you have a habit of speeding, it is only a matter of time before you are caught. By telling you where the permanent cameras are, then perhaps you will at least slow down where accidents are known to happen frequently.

We are always looking for contributions from the public. Whether you want to add a camera that isn't yet in our database, or offer a suggestion, we want to hear from you. Email us using [email protected]. Or drop by the Forum, and ask a question or two!

The website was setup in 2000 before our company had any clients. It took on a life of its own with the forum proving a popular place to vent frustration to other motorists.

For speed cameras on your mobile phone, we recommend you try Many RoadWatch users are also users on Trapster.

Antony Burnett
RoadWatch Administrator Active Users: 3 users

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